Class 27 - Quiz 5 (11/7/2017, Tuesday)


Exam 2

  • 11/13 Mon 
  • Check Syllabus on the course website. Sections 9.1 - 9.5 were dealt in Final Exams in the past, so you want to take note of that when you do problems from past exams.

  • 9.4 due 11/6 Mon
  • 9.5 due 11/8 Wed

You will be quizzed on the following problems.
Note that some of them were not discussed in class!

Exercise*. Do #3 of Exam 3, Fall 2016.
Exercise*. Do #9 d of Exam 3, Fall 2016.
Exercise*. Do #2 a of Exam 3, Winter 2016.
Exercise*. Do #5 of Exam 3, Winter 2016.
Exercise*. Do #11 of Exam 3, Winter 2016. (Only check the convergence.)
Exercise*. Do #5 of Exam 3, Winter 2015.
Exercise*. Do #1 of Exam 3, Fall 2016.
Exercise*. Do #2 of Exam 3, Fall 2016.
Exercise*. Do #8a of Exam 3, Winter 2016.
